Tuesday, January 14, 2025

2025 Pantone Color of the Year compared with C-Lon Bead Cord Colors



Pantone Color of the Year 2025 is Mocha Mousse - Pantone just made it public in December.  

Why is this color important? Major designers for fashion and home follow and anticipate these trends so many items in stores are already available in this color or will be soon available. 

C-Lon Colors: I matched Mocha Mousse with MB-Medium Brown. For a lighter tint, I chose BLS-Blush, and for darker tones, BR-Brown and CHO-Chocolate.

For Apparel: According to Pantone, Mocha Mousse extends our perception of brown, crossing from the humble and earthbound to the luxury and aspirational or subtle luxury. 

For Fashion Accessories: Mocha Mousse is an adaptable and neutral tone blending effortlessly with any color, enriching each ensemble with a touch of warmth and refined luxury. Soft and hard fashion accessories harmonize a sense of elegance with inviting warmth, enhancing the visual appeal of any outfit. Mocha Mousse introduces elevated sophistication. 


C-Lon Colors vs Coloro Color of the Year

Coloro Color of the Year is Future Dusk. It was announced in May 2023 and this year unlike last year, the Coloro and Pantone colors are completely different. Future Dusk is a dark celestial tone in between blue and purple, similar in hue to Very Peri, the 2022 Pantone Color of Year. This might explain why the Pantone and Coloro colors are not aligning this year. 

Coloro says: “Future Dusk is a dependable blue, essential to reinforcing a sense of trust and stability, but as a purple it also carries an imaginative quality that will dynamically power the creation of new futures.”

C-Lon Colors: I matched Future Dusk with PI-Persan Indigo as the main color, and with HYA-Hyacinth and PKL-Periwinkle as the lighter tints. 

Coloro like Pantone forecasts industrial and fashion color trends. Pantone is an international company based in the USA, Coloro is the color trend arm of WGSN, a international company forecasting trends in design and innovation.


Mocha Mousse Pantone Color Palettes

2025 Pantone Colors compared with C-Lon Bead Cord Colors

We can also start looking at color palettes. It's a really fun way to bring in new color combinations into your designs. A great way to refresh for the new year.


The Exotic Balance Palette

2025 Pantone Colors compared with C-Lon Bead Cord Colors

For these Pantone colors I chose these C-Lon Colors....

AU-Aurum   |   PL-Pink Lemonade   |   AQ-Aqua   |   RA-Raspberry

Compare C-Lon Bead Cord Colors to Pantone 2025 Color Palettes

LC-Lt Copper | LO-Lt Orchid | MB-Med Brown | BL-Blue Lagoon


The Deliciousness Palette

2025 Pantone Colors compared with C-Lon Bead Cord Colors

For these Pantone colors I chose these C-Lon Colors....

LTM-Lt Magenta   |   AP-Apricot   |   BG-Bubblegum   |   NT-Nutmeg

Compare C-Lon Bead Cord Colors to Pantone 2025 Color Palettes

WN-Wine   |   TN-Tangerine   |   P-Pink   |   MB-Medium Brown


The Subtle Contrast Palette

2025 Pantone Colors compared with C-Lon Bead Cord Colors

For these Pantone colors I chose these C-Lon Colors....

BE-Beige   |   BLS-Blush   |   STL-Steel   |   CHO-Chocolate

Compare C-Lon Bead Cord Colors to Pantone 2025 Color Palettes

CO-Cocoa  |  DKT-Dark Tan  |  MB-Medium Brown  |  PK-Peacock  


The Floral Palette

2025 Pantone Colors compared with C-Lon Bead Cord Colors

For these Pantone colors I chose these C-Lon Colors....

OY-Oyster   |   FE-Fern   |   K-Khaki   |   MB-Medium Brown

Compare C-Lon Bead Cord Colors to Pantone 2025 Color Palettes

CO-Cocoa   |   RS-Rose   |   O-Orchid   |   LB-Light Blue

The Relaxed Elegance Palette

2025 Pantone Colors compared with C-Lon Bead Cord Colors

For these Pantone colors I chose these C-Lon Colors....

OY-Oyster   |   BLS-Blush   |   S-Sable   |   BR-Brown

Compare C-Lon Bead Cord Colors to Pantone 2025 Color Palettes

L-Latte   |    NT-Nutmeg   |  MB-Medium Brown   |   CHO-Chocolate


 Not all the matches are exact, but I tried to keep the same color spirit. You will notice that Mocha Mousse-Medium Brown is in all the collections. Some colors can be found in several groups. All the color collections of 8 spools are gorgeous. 

All the photos of the C-Lon Bead Cord groups were taken in the same exact light on top of a linen bead tray liner and no photo adjustment were made in a photo editing program other than cropping the photos, adding the color codes and the Pantone color palettes above and below to give the color comparison all in one image.

All these C-Lon colors are available in the 2 main sizes:

> C-Lon Bead Cord - Tex 210 - The Standard Size ~ 0.5mm Ø

> C-Lon Tex 400 Bead Cord - The Heavy Size ~ 0.9mm Ø

Some of these colors are available in the Micro and Fine Weight Sizes:

> C-Lon Micro Bead Cord - Tex 70 -  a bit less than 0.3mm Ø

> C-Lon Fine Weight Bead Cord - Tex 135 ~ 0.4mm Ø


Tuesday, April 9, 2024

Marion Jewels in Fiber Paypal Checkout Process 2024

 Marion Jewels in Fiber Paypal Checkout 2023 Explained
My online store, Marion Jewels in Fiber uses a very simple classic Paypal shopping cart. When you add an item to the shopping cart it opens a new window with the actual cart. Set both windows side by side while adding more items or toggle back and forth between the two windows. 
No Paypal account, and don't want one - Follow the steps below. 
Already have a Paypal account - The checkout is very easy. Just make sure that the shipping address in your account is up to date. Double check the email from Paypal confirming your transaction and email right away if anything needs to be changed. Also it was reported to me that a Continue Button might be the final Pay Now button instead, so dont be surprised if this happens along the way.
Have a Paypal account and want to bypass it - If Paypal recognizes your computer, open a private or incognito window on your browser to shop on my website and follow the steps below

Checkout without a Paypal Account


1. Check your cart and –> Click on either buttons
I found it makes no difference, it takes you to same next step.

2. Bypass your email address if associated with your Paypal account and –> Click

 3. Enter your email address and –> Click

4. Enter all your info and toggle Save info if you do not want to open a Paypal account

5. With toggle on left –> Click
If you are still having trouble using the shopping cart, email your order including the shipping address. I can either send you a Paypal payment link (payable by your Paypal account, or any major debit and credit card) or call you and take a debit or credit card by phone. More info is available HERE.

I hope this will help. Best, Marion



Friday, January 19, 2024

C-Lon Bead Cord Colors versus the Pantone NYFW Spring 2024 Color Trends


To continue on the ideas of the previous post... Pantone publishes its color trends for the general public just in time for the season. This year I have chosen one C-Lon Bead Cord color for all the 15 Pantone colors. 



C-Lon Bead Cord Colors versus the Pantone NYFW Spring 2024 Color Trends

I have already seen an uptick in purchases of C-Lon Bead Cord colors matching the color palettes precisely, especially the New Classics. Is it on purpose or subliminal, planned or accidental, a reflection of these color trends? Or do I simply notice the similarities more because I am aware of the colors chosen for 2024.

C-Lon Bead Cord Colors versus the Pantone NYFW Spring 2024 Color Trends 






The way I look at this ... It's another fun way to look at colors. If one of them gets you excited, then yes, include it in your next piece; if not, then ignore it. When I was doing 32 shows a year selling lots of earrings, I saw the effect of these trends, but they were delayed, especially on the West Coast. A year after a Color of the Year and Fashion Color Trends were announced, I got customers looking for earrings to go with clothes in these hues, shades, or tints. 



–> Post on C-Lon Colors and the 2024 Color of the Year

C-Lon Bead Cord –> In the Standard Tex 210 0.5 mm diameter

C-Lon Tex 400 Bead Cord –> In the heavier 0.9 mm diameter

Pantone Color of the Year –> Pantone Official Website

WGSN and Coloro –> WGSN+Coloro Website

C-Lon Bead Cord Colors versus the Pantone & Coloro 2024 Color of the Year


The Color of the Year? Peach Fuzz by Pantone or Apricot Crush by Coloro... Why is it important when choosing C-Lon Bead Cord Colors?


A lot of new fashion items will come out in the Color of the Year. In short, there will be many clothes available in this color range in the stores. And why does this matter for C-Lon Bead Cord colors? If someone buys a shirt or sweater in this color, they may want to accessorize with a new bracelet, pair of earrings, or necklace in a matching color. So yes, jewelry made with the Color of the Year can fulfill someone's desires. 


With this in mind, I started to choose the C-Lon Color of the Year about six years ago. Sometimes, it is just one color; other times, several. This year, I matched the Pantone Color of the Year 2024 Peach Fuzz with the C-Lon Bead Cord colors: Ginger, Sea Shell, Peach Glow, Tangerine, and Light Copper.

Oops, last year, I completely forgot to create the post in January, and when I realized it in June, I took a pass...

C-Lon Bead Cord versus Pantone Colors

In retrospect, here are the C-Lon Bead Cord colors I now choose for Viva Magenta, the 2023 Pantone Color of the Year: Wine, with the lighter Cerise and the darker Eggplant.

Back to the 2024 Color of the Year... A few years ago, WGSN, an international company specializing in trend forecasting and analysis, launched its own color system, Coloro, in partnership with the China Textile Information Center. Unsurprisingly, the Coloro and the Pantone Color of the Year belong to the same apricot bisque color family.

 Pantone & Coloro Color of the Year vs C-Lon Bead Cord Colors 

For the Coloro 2024 Color of the Year, Apricot Crush, I kept most of the same colors, added Copper Rose, and substituted Orange, a brighter, darker shade of orange, for the more earth-tone Light Copper. Light Copper was a better match to Pantone Color of the Year, whereas I found that these two new shades enhance the complexity of Apricot Crush. 




In addition, WGNS and Coloro have announced 4 additional colors besides Apricot Crush for their key color trends for Winter and Spring 2024-2025. From left to right:

Intense Rust –> Go with Black Currant C-Lon Bead Cord

Midnight Plum –> Go with Purple C-Lon Bead Cord

Sustained Grey –> Go with Grey and Nickel C-Lon Bead Cord 

Apricot Crush –> Color of the Year - See info above

Cool Matcha –> Go with Peridot C-Lon Bead Cord


Pantone comes out twice a year with a Spring/Summer and a Fall/Winter color trend report, but they hold everything closer to the vest, allowing only paying customers to see their future trends. Right now, only the Spring trends are available. See the next post for this report and how it intersect with C-Lon Bead Cord colors




Next Post –> C-Lon Colors vs Pantone NYFW 2024 Color Trends

C-Lon Bead Cord –> In the Standard Tex 210 0.5 mm diameter

C-Lon Tex 400 Bead Cord –> In the heavier 0.9 mm diameter

Pantone Color of the Year –> Pantone Official Website

WGSN and Coloro –> WGSN+Coloro Website

Monday, August 15, 2022

Bracelet Stack #2 made with Space Dyed Chinese Knotting Cord

Bracelet Stack made with Space Dyed Chinese Knotting Cord

This next bracelet stack is made with "Bright Spring Variation", the second colorway I experimented with. Bracelet #1 is not shown on this stack.

Space Dyed Chinese Knotting Cord shown as a Skein 

How is Space Dyed Yarn or Cord made?
The cord is first braided with nylon thread, then it is space dyed in skeins with several colors and/or color gradients creating a pattern around the skein. Most skeins are about 50 inch (128 cm) around with some, not all, space dyed with the same colors on both side of the folded skein so the pattern is mirrored on both sides of the skein and repeats with each turn of the skein. After the dying process, the cord is rinsed and dried. In the last step the cord is rolled on spools.

This colorway, Bright Spring Variation, is available in a 20 meter spool. Let's see what can be made with a spool. 


Kumihimo Bracelet #1

Double Wrap Kumihimo Bracelets made with Space Dyed Chinese Knotting Cord 

Double wrap kumihimo bracelet made with 7 Strand Braiding Method


The 7 Strand Kumihimo Method is explained in the last post and will be covered in a forthcoming tutorial. This was the second bracelet I made this way with the Space Dyed Chinese Knotting Cord. Previously I have experimented with this method with C-Lon Tex 400 Bead Cord. I started with 50 inch cords forded in half so 25 inch cords to braid with and this bracelet ended up a bit shorter than I hoped with a 12.5 inch total length, and a 6.25 inch bracelet length when worn as a double wrap bracelet. That's even a bit short for my small wrists.

Kumihimo Bracelet #1

Triple Wrap Kumihimo bracelet made with Space Dyed Chinese Knotting Cord

Triple wrap kumihimo bracelet made with 7 Strand Braiding Method


This next experimental bracelet was more successful as I started with twice as much length with 100 inch folded in half to 50 inch. I ended up with a 24 inch length and adjusted the final length back to 21.5 inches to fit my wrist. The marigold (sunflower) button is available on this page, it is the 5th listing.

Square Knot Bracelet #1

This bracelet is made the same way as the shambhala bracelets, however with thinner cords, and with beads only at the sliding cords ends. I added a Fower and Leaves Button as a center charm. It's the 2nd listing on this web page.


Square Knot Bracelet #2

Oops I forgot to take a close up picture...  That's the one with the Teapot Button as a center charm. It's the first listing on this button page. and sliding bead clasp available here. It was made with the remnants leftover of this spool and I had to add beads as I did not have enough cords for all the square knots... 

For more info on these bracelets...

Check the previous post... 

> Space Dyed Chinese Knotting Cord


Space Dyed Chinese Knotting Cord Experimental Bracelets Color Variation #1


I love these new space dyed colors. They are so much fun to play with. Here is the bracelet stack I made with "Turquoise Variation", the first colorway I experimented with.
What is Space Dyed Chinese Knotting Cord? 
Chinese Knotting Cord is a braided nylon cord made in China available in a variety of thickness and usually dyed in solid colors. The cord is made on large braiding machine out of nylon thread, then it is wound on skeins, dyed, rinsed, and dried, then wound on spools. For more info on all the types and sizes of Chinese Knotting Cord, go HERE
When cord or yarn are dyed with different colors along a skein, the color changes repeat around each cord turn around the skein. This type of dyeing is called Space Dyed. This can be done by hand at an artisanal scale or in a factory setting with many skeins all dyed at the same time. It is a process that is more labor intensive than dyeing solid colors. 

Space Dyed Chinese Knotting Cord shown as a Skein
Space Dyed Chinese Knotting Cord shown as a Skein

Why are Space Dyed Colors So Much Fun? 
If done correctly with interesting color shifts and variations, it lends itself to so many possibilities... So here are my very first experiments with the new Space Dyed Chinese Knotting Cords I just started importing from China. 

This colorway, Turquoise Variation, is available in a 20 meter spool. Let's see what can be made with a spool.

Kumihimo Bracelet 
Braided with the 7 strand method, started at the loop and ended with a Pinwheel Button. That's the 9th listing on this page.
I have been playing with a 7 stand kumihimo pattern and I plan to write a better tutorial on this method with a full step by step tutorial with photos and maybe a video and all the best ways to achieve a professional result on the first try... 
This braiding method is really easy. If your kumihimo disk has 4 dots, place 4 strands at the dots, then 3 in between the dots, that leave one space with no cord. Or add 4 extra dots in between the dots with a sharpie marker and place the 7 cords by the dots. There is one empty spot. 

Several ways explain the same cord movements of the braiding process:
1. The disk is like a clock. Place the empty slot at 1:30, and take the cord that's at 6 and insert it in the empty spot at 1:30. Then rotate the disk counterclockwise until the empty spot is at 1:30 again and repeat.

2. Count the cords from the empty spot clockwise*. 1, 2 and 3 cords, and taking the 3rd cord up to the empty spot. 
 3. By the numbers on the disk with a 32 slot disk. Place the 7 cords right in slots before #8, #12, #16, #20, #24, #28, #32. [Place #32 at the top. Take #16 cord to #4. Place #12 at top. Take #28 to #16. Place #24 at top. Take #8 to #28. Place #4 at top. Take #20 to #8. Place #16 at top. Take #32 to #20. Place #28 at top. Take #12 to #32. Place #8 at top. Take #24 to #12. Place #20 at top. Take #4 to #24.] Repeat []. 
* This can be done clockwise or counterclockwise. but you need to be consistent. For me since I am right handed, I prefer to hold the disk with my left hand and move the cord with my right hand. And I prefer to move the cord up rather than down... it;s easier, but it can be done the other way... so long as it is consistent.   
Left handed? 
With method 1, place your empty spot at 10:30 instead for 1:30. With method 2, count counterclockwise. With method 3, I will write it if anyone is interested...
Tibetan Knot Bracelet
I made this one with double stands and line the colors so the color shifts would happen at the same time... For the tutorial go here!

Square Knot Bracelet #1

Square Knot Bracelet made with Dyed Chinese Knotting Cord
This bracelet is made the same way as the shambhala bracelets, however with thinner cords, and with beads only at the sliding cords ends. I added a Teapot Button as a center charm. It's the first listing on this button page.

Square Knot Bracelet #2
Square Knot Bracelet made with Dyed Chinese Knotting Cord 
This second bracelet is finished with a sliding bead clasp available here
Square Knot Bracelet #3

 Square Knot Bracelet made with Dyed Chinese Knotting Cord
For this 3rd bracelet iI did not have a lot of cord left, so adding the beads was a perfect solution as it did not use as much cords as all square knots... The beads are 4mm Czech Fire Polished Beads

Chain Stitch Bead Crochet Sample
Crochet Sample made with Dyed Chinese Knotting Cord
After making all the bracelets above, I just had enough cord left to make a sample... I will make a bracelet of necklace with one of the next color variation.